Friday, April 22, 2016


The semester is drawing to a close. Finals are next week - as for me, I have three plus a final paper. It is, of course, a stressful time, but it is also a time to look back on the classes I attended and learned from over the semester. Of the classes I took, I believe the one I am writing this blog for to be the most fun - with freedom for creativity and encouragement to think outside of the box, I felt like I did pretty well in this course. And I had fun, too! I was able to do three separate things involving the things I love most in the world - roller coasters. Within my group, I'm sure it's been an enlightening experience as to my favorite hobby - you have been privy to two of my roller coaster-centered blogs, though not my roller coaster enthusiast's dream of a Prezi project.

I feel as if I may be getting off track, but in the same vein, I feel as if I am speaking as I am supposed to be, remembering the fun and the challenges that have been had this semester. I had never before worked with an Infographic or Prezi, and they were challenging to learn! Putting a voiceover on my Prezi slides was an endeavor that took me nearly three hours (two to find the program I needed, one to record), and I was so, so proud of that accomplishment.

You can see my Prezi here, if you'd like.

In addition, I will also subject you to my own infographic, as a way to look back on that project.

Finally, I will provide you with another Prezi, made relatively quickly (so please don't expect much), outlining what I've said here as well as adding a few more points.

It's been a pleasure working with you all this semester. I hope your summers and your next semesters (if you're not graduating) go well!

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